Reliable Data Backup Software
Backup anything, from anywhere & restore anytime.
- Office 365 Email / Share-point / One-drive
- Granular File & Folder
- Direct NAS Drive Backup
- Virtual Machine Protection
- Exchange Database & Mailbox
- Microsoft SQL
- System Images
- PC, Laptop, Server & Virtual Machine Backup

Backup Entire Office 365 Domain. 30% Faster Than Veeam
Including Exchange Online, Sharepoint Online & Onedrive
Most businesses are now moving away from on-site servers to cloud applications to save on hardware and maintenance costs. Now you can backup the entire Office 365 suite including Exchange, Sharepoint & Onedrive either cloud to cloud with no software installs or cloud to local for an on-site copy of customer data.

Granular file & folder Backup
Protect any file, anywhere, anytime
Now you can backup all of your mission critical files on any device, complete backup protection that allows you to restore a single file if it’s been accidentally deleted to a complete hard drive worth of files if your device has been stolen or damaged.
NAS Drive Backup
Dedicated NAS drive agents
With a direct NAS agent you can backup all of your data from the source, a robust solution that offers complete Disaster Recovery protection for your NAS drive data

Complete Protection for Your Virtual Machines
Incremental VM Backup, Instant Spin up Recovery & Granular File Restore
Virtualised environments in Hyper-V & VMware are becoming the norm so make sure you have the facility to recover if one of them goes down. Backup your VM, Spin up your VM from the backup source if the main VM has an issue and open your VM to restore a single file if required.
Unlimited PC, Laptop, Server & Virtual Machine Backup
Only pay for your storage costs with Cloud Dolphin
Know exactly what you’re paying each month with no surprises and have complete peace of mind that if your business grows, costs to protect your extra devices won’t
Safe, Secure Backup
Enterprise level software that won’t break the bank
- Scheduled backups
- Data Integrity Checking Tool
- Customised Policy Ability
- Pro-active Support Team
- Incremental Backup
- Multi-Destination Backup
- Off-Site Disaster Recovery
- Email Reporting
- Retention policy / Versioning
- 256 Bit End to End Encryption
- Point in Time Restore
- Granular Restore